Spa Frog Bromine Cartridge 150g
Price includes post & packing.
The SPA FROG® Bromine Cartridge for In-line and Floating Systems. The In-line System is built right into the spa and uses the same mineral and bromine cartridges as the SPA FROG® Floating System.
Spa Frog is a revolutionary spa chemical system that provides exceptional water quality and chemical balance control whilst being quicker and easier to use than standard chlorine or bromine systems. These Spa Frog bromine cartridges will work, in conjunction with a mineral cartridge, to control bacteria for up to a full month, meaning considerably less on-going maintenance. Using a mineral system reduces the need for high levels of bromine in the water, with bromine use cut by up to 50% against the standard recommended bromine level of 2ppm. This lower level of bromine causes less strong odours and leaves water feeling softer and looking crystal clear. To use the Spa Frog cartridge system you will either need to have a Spa Frog floating dispenser or a Spa Frog In-line system fitted to your spa.
Cartridge lasts up to 1 month. Here we are offering 1 Spa Frog Bromine Cartridge.
Get yours today and we'll get it packed and posted and it will be with you in no time.
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